“One of my many magic powers I have is to bring support, love, and JOY. I am so thankful I can create a safe and loving space for students to express their challenges. One student told me ‘everytime I come into your office, I feel calm.’ I am so thankful to be able to create a calm, loving space for students and families. I believe my magic power is very impactful and meaningful.” -Ms. Cook, Site Coordinator
This year CIS of Richmond grew into 5 new schools in Henrico County Public Schools, and many of our veteran Site Coordinators made the move. On the first day of school, Site Coordinator Ms. Cook walked into Fair Oaks Elementary School feeling all of the first day jitters. Those jitters turned into joy when she saw the face of a student who also moved from her old school to Fair Oaks. Ms. Cook’s magic power was turned to her, and her challenge turned to calm, and then to joy.